Upcoming : Ready Player One
The book is chock full of pop culture references. Looks like they managed to pull it off with the movie. Don’t quite remember the RX-78 even making an appearance in the book but it’s always cool to see a giant robot on screen. I just hope we’re getting pre-Schindler’s List Spielberg here....
Adam West (1928 – 2017)
Adam West has passed away at the age of 88 from cancer. Besides the one from the Super Friends cartoon, Adam West was THE Batman of my childhood. The show was campy as heck with the BAM! BIFF! POW! onscreen visual effects, the ‘Bat’ prefix in front of every gadget and the general silliness of …...
Roger Moore (1927 – 2017)
Sir Roger Moore died today at the ripe old age of 89. He was the first James Bond to me. My first memory of James Bond was The Spy Who Loved Me with the rather cheesy Moonraker being the most memorable (not necessarily best) entry. In fact, The Spy Who Loved Me remains one of …...
Tommy Page (1970 – 2017)
Tommy Page’s songs in the late 80s and early 90s basically filled my cassettes through my teenage years. I remember listening to ‘<a href=”https://youtu.be/AlGvRwalchQ” target=”_blank”>A shoulder cry on</a>’ on my Walkman while out cycling with my friends on rental bikes at East Coast...
Bill Paxton (1955 – 2017)
A few days ago, Bill Paxton passed away due to complications from surgery. For me, his most memorable role was always as Private Hudson in Aliens. So much so that I still quote his character in my daily life. With the news of his death I realized just how many movies I’ve enjoyed that he …...
My boy’s kit : Hasegawa 1/72 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I
And he’s done! I just guided verbally but helped out a bit when he got stuck. The approach was to quickly finish the kit and not get bogged down by the nitty gritty details so fixing seamlines was kept to a minimum. No weathering either. This was painted with both airbrush and by hand for …...
Starting a new kit with my kid
A few weeks ago, my boy asked if he could start building some aircraft kits. Now that term break is here, we decided to crack open the Hasegawa 1/72 Spitfire Mk.I kit which looks to be a quick and easy kit to finish quickly. Previously he tried a Zaku Warrior kit but it didn’t keep …...
Muhammad Ali (1942-2016)
So great he even beat Superman. Good night sir....
And don’t call me Shirley!
Leslie Nielsen has died and the world is less funny somehow. I of course, know him as Lt. Frank Drebin from the Naked Gun series. Years later, I realized he was also in Airplane! where as Dr. Rumack he uttered his most famous line: Rumack: Can you fly this plane, and land it? Ted Striker: …...
Irvin Kerschner (1923-2010)
OK… first Leslie Nielsen and now Irvin Kerschner. Now many don’t know him, but he was the director of arguably the best of the 6 Star Wars episodes, namely Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. He also happened to direct a guilty pleasure of mine, Robocop 2. Yes, the one with the psycho …...