About Me

Hi! Welcome to my own corner on the Internet for my scale models.

A little about me: I collect primarily mecha and aircraft kits with a smattering of other subjects. My first ever model kit was probably a large-scaled USS Missouri (I believe it’s this one from Otaki). I got it when I was around 4-5 years old. I wrecked it by gluing it with UHU though. I tried to salvage it when I was in my teens but utterly failed.

Growing up in Singapore, there was a model shop right next door so I was very much influenced by all the finished kits displayed there. Through the years I would buy model kits and these were usually cemented together then thrown into this particular kit graveyard I call my living room cupboard. I did end up finishing some kits by handpainting or spraycans right up to my college years but they weren’t anything to shout home about. I have pictures of some of them to prove it.

In 1999, I got out of my dark ages when I started to learn to use the airbrush with a Bandai HGUC RGM-79 kit. After that one I did this kit and the bug hasn’t really left me since (my stash can attest to that).

I’m a very slow builder although I’m now averaging 1 kit a month since Q3 2015. I’ve promised myself that I will work faster to complete more kits and it’s forever one of my New Year resolutions.

Anyway, enjoy your stay here and I hope you can learn something from my stuff!

Site History
I’ve had this website for a while now. Take a walk with me while I reminisce…

Drop me an mail to eddy<at>rocketpunch<dot>biz.

You can find me hanging out at Plamo, which used to be an online forum based in Singapore but has since evolved into a Facebook group. Come say Hi.

My Instagram page can be found at https://www.instagram.com/eddym.29/. I update more often there with snippets of my current builds.

(Visited 982 times, 1 visits today)
Last modified: 2 December, 2021

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