Site News

Real Life, Site News


It’s like 2023 all over again…

While I can’t say I’m surprised, it’s still very disappointing that it has happened to me again. I tore the retina of my left eye about three weeks ago and the worst has happened: I now need a vitrectomy procedure for it. So basically, just like last year, I’ll be going under the knife to …...

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Site News


A look at Rocket Punch in 2023

Oof… nothing went right for me in 2023. Things started well enough though and I was on track to finish a few kits by the first quarter. Then everything went down hill from there. To summarize: All this is to say that I only finished one kit for 2023. I do have a many in …...

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Real Life, Site News


2023 is (pretty much) kaput

Since March this year, my work on model kits have slowed to a trickle as I’ve been dealing with problems on my right eye. My problem started way back in early 2020 with a strange jump in my myopia in my right eye. Due to both Covid and procrastination, I only got my eye checked …...

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Site News

A look at Rocket Punch in 2022

I’m sounding like a broken record but I completed 11 kits for 2022. I’m again one short of my target of a dozen kits built. Seriously, how hard can it be to get a dozen done? Some stats about my site and builds: I published 22 posts for a total of 15,587 words the site …...

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Site News

A look at Rocket Punch in 2021

I finished 11 kits (again) for 2021! I was one short of my target even though the Covid-19 pandemic was still ongoing and I was home a lot more. I also didn’t have a ‘shitty’ build this year which would have eaten up a lot of time so I’m not quite sure why I slowed …...

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Site News

A look at Rocket Punch in 2020

I finished 11 kits in 2020! I would have finished 12 if not for the long build that F-16A TOPGUN 51 turned out to be. In any case, at the beginning of the year I set a target of 10 completed so I managed to go 1 kit beyond the target. Unfortunately it’s not because …...

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Site News

A look at Rocket Punch in 2019

I finished 8 kits in 2019. That’s less than 2018 and again falling short of my target of 12. I actually had the 9th kit on the finishing stages but a last minute disaster means I’ll only be able to finish it in 2020. My favorite build of 2019 was definitely the VF-1S Super Strike …...

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Site News

A look at Rocket Punch in 2018

I finished 9 kits in 2018. That’s 1 more than 2017, but I was short 3 kits from my target of 12. Ah well… life beckoned. Among these 9 kits, I was most happy with my ‘Cover Fire’ vignette since it has quite a few firsts for me including figure painting, making ruins, heavy weathering …...

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Site News

A look at Rocket Punch in 2017

So I completed 8 kits in 2017: This is 1/3 less than what I completed in 2016. I took a short trip in June and ended up not doing any building till September. Although I finished less kits, I think my work has improved with construction being neater that resulted in less seamline fixing. I …...

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Site News

Rocket Punch is back… sorta

I decided to move servers and hosts earlier this month and it wasn’t… smooth. Not that it’s ever been smooth for me when it comes to moving domains. Anyway, the most important thing is that the website is now back up. Next is slowly putting back all my content. I have stuff going all the …...

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