Rocket Punch is back… sorta
I decided to move servers and hosts earlier this month and it wasn’t… smooth. Not that it’s ever been smooth for me when it comes to moving domains. Anyway, the most important thing is that the website is now back up. Next is slowly putting back all my content. I have stuff going all the …...
A look at Rocket Punch in 2016
So I was a lot more active in updating the site in 2016. But it’s for one obvious reasons I just built more models. Still, it’s interesting to see the growth the site has seen. Some facts from 2016: There were a total of 90 posts. There were a total of 10,994 visitors. They totaled …...
A look back at 2016
12 is definitely a huge milestone for me as I’ve never ever completed more than 4 in a year. I hope I can build on this and perhaps get more builds done. Then perhaps the mountain that is my stash will finally start to lower? 😀 That being said, I could have probably finished more …...
A look back at 2015
First and foremost, I finished the most kits in… ever! 4 isn’t a lot, but considering I’ve only ever finished 3 kits a year and with my last kit being finished in 2012, this is a big deal!...
A short history of Rocket Punch
It all began after I took a short web design course over a summer in 1998. I was also into abit of scale modeling then. So I did what came naturally; do up a website about scale modeling. And wow, more than 10 years already and I’m still doing both of them. So take a …...