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A look at Rocket Punch in 2017

So I completed 8 kits in 2017:

This is 1/3 less than what I completed in 2016. I took a short trip in June and ended up not doing any building till September. Although I finished less kits, I think my work has improved with construction being neater that resulted in less seamline fixing. I also worked on adding some tonal variations to my painting. However, I still find my weathering ‘off’ somewhat, being unable to make them appear random enough.

My favorite build of the year was the New Rally Pawn and the X-wing would be the most trouble-free.

For the upcoming year, I hope to get into some armor and perhaps a car. And I also want to further improve my weathering. Who knew that it’ll be hard to make things look random? Lastly, I hope to be able to finish at least an even dozen kits again.

Site-wise, here’s a quick look at what happened in 2017:

The stats are not accurate for 2017 because I moved servers in August so I lost all the previous tracked results. I also had less posts because starting this year, I consolidated my work logs so each post was longer and more detailed.

Since I’m building more, I’ve been spending less time writing for the blog, hence I only did 1 preview and 2 reviews in the last year. While it’s a compromise I’m willing to make, I think I’ll try to find some time to add more articles and post my thoughts on the state of the hobby. Let’s see how it goes.

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Tags: Last modified: 5 January, 2021