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A look at Rocket Punch in 2022

I’m sounding like a broken record but I completed 11 kits for 2022.

I’m again one short of my target of a dozen kits built. Seriously, how hard can it be to get a dozen done?

Some stats about my site and builds:

So it’s another Macross-related kit that had generated the most interest. The F-4 kit comparison article also happens to be the all-time most viewed post and by a large margin. I think it won’t be overtaken anytime soon.

Anyway, while I finished 11 kits, I have only managed to post 7 of them on the site as I haven’t finished the write-ups for them. Basically, I haven’t been writing as much as I should be for both the build log and WIPS hence the smaller number of total posts. I hope to catch up to the 4 finished kits by the end of this month.

Last year I set myself the following goals:

  • 12 builds for the year
  • at least 3 builds by the end of January
  • a more consistent ‘color’ to my photos. I’ve been using the same white backgrounds but can’t seem to get the different build backgrounds to have the same white tone.
  • one build that’s neither an aircraft or mecha

Er… I didn’t achieve any of them. So I think I’ll just roll them over to 2023.

12 kits in a year. Seriously, how hard can it be??

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Tags: Last modified: 2 January, 2023