Written by 2:00 pm On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 F-16A ‘TNI-AU’ Pt. 3 – Painting & Finishing

So in the last post I’d taken off the masking of the walkways and was checking my work and I felt that there was something wrong…

At 0.7mm the walkways were too thick. They need to be thinner.

So out with the masking tape again and I carefully painted the colors of the scheme over the ‘excess’ walkways.

Much better now I think.

It definitely looks more ‘correct’ now.

The decals were next and were put over an overall gloss coat.

The markings from Zotz Decals had a satin finish which was why I hedged my bets and used a gloss coat under them.

Another gloss coat was sprayed to seal the decals and then I panel washed with thinned AK Abteilung Starship Filth. Then it was an overall mist coat of satin to knock down the glossiness of the kit.

Next I removed the cockpit mask and I’m happy to see that everything was ok, including the black sealant around the base of the canopy.

A very striking F-16 indeed!

Final assembly is next.

And then of course disaster struck.

I managed to salvage what I could and it looks alright although it’s now just slightly shorter than the unbroken one.

Last on were the centerline fuel tank, pylons with bombs and the wingtip missiles.

Breaking the landing gear at such a late stage was really annoying but I really like the result of this build.

Build Log
Pt. 1 – Construction | Pt. 2 – Painting & Finishing | Pt. 3 – Painting & Finishing

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Tags: , , , , , , , , Last modified: 17 January, 2023