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A look at Rocket Punch in 2021

I finished 11 kits (again) for 2021!

I was one short of my target even though the Covid-19 pandemic was still ongoing and I was home a lot more. I also didn’t have a ‘shitty’ build this year which would have eaten up a lot of time so I’m not quite sure why I slowed down. In any case, it’s something to improve on.

Some stats about my site and builds:

Interesting that it’s another Macross-related kit that generated the most views.

In any case, the build I had least trouble with was the Hasegawa 1/72 Sukhoi/IAI/Dornier SV-51y with the only trouble being not getting the color scheme correct in my first pass. The most complicated was the Academy 1/72 Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian ‘TNI-AD’. The kit itself fit great but required quite a bit of modifications to get it to be 90% accurate to the TNI-AD’s version.

Last year I said that I wanted to do more common themed group pictures and I’ve generally been able to do that. Sure wish I can build faster so I can squeeze more of them into one picture though.

I managed to finish up 3 Shelf Queens but surprisingly didn’t have an Aggressor aircraft or EFSF mass production MS build last year. The former can be explained by my suspension of an A-4E Aggressor build around October due to having to order a spare canopy but I can’t explain the latter.

A few things I hope to achieve in 2022:

  • 12 builds for the year
  • at least 3 builds by the end of January
  • a more consistent ‘color’ to my photos. I’ve been using the same white backgrounds but can’t seem to get the different build backgrounds to have the same white tone.
  • one build that’s neither an aircraft or mecha

Anyway let’s see! In the meantime, here’s wishing everyone a safe and healthy New Year ahead.

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Tags: Last modified: 3 January, 2022