Tag: USA

Hobby Musings, Real Life

A visit to Brookhurst Hobbies

I just got back home after spending twenty days settling my son down for his new life in college in Irvine, California and well, I had some spare time so I popped into Brookhurst Hobbies (Google map), who this year is celebrating their fifty years of establishment. That’s an amazing achievement especially considering the state...

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Hobby Musings, Real Life

A visit to HQ Hobbies

I’m currently in Milford, Connecticut accompanying my daughter to a competition and I found a hobby shop! HQ Hobbies is a 21 year old shop run by Randy and his assistant Pumpkin. As usual with an American shop there are a lot of AMT/Monogram car kits. But the shop also carries some reasonably priced Eduard …...

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