WIP : Italeri 1/72 MiG-37 Ferret E – Painting & Finishing
Oof… it took quite a while to fix the gaps. It was prime, fill, sand, buff, prime, fill, sand, buff over and over to finally get to the painting stage. I don’t think I did a banged-up job but it’ll have to do. For the color scheme, I played around with the line-art and came …...
WIP : Italeri 1/72 MiG-37 Ferret E – Construction
Next up is what I initially hoped was a quick build. The MiG-37 is a fictional Soviet stealth aircraft designed by the Testors Model Company as the Eastern Bloc counterpart to their F-19 Ghostrider kit. My copy is a Italeri re-boxed kit. Work begins with the cockpit which is very sparse and simplified although surprisingly, …...