WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VR-1D Valkyrie Pt.4 – Finishing
Before weathering can begin, I needed to close up the cockpit. So first I installed the ejection seats. The pilots were then cemented into place with CA glue. At this point I noticed that there’s a spot near the port side of fuselage (near the instrument coaming) that didn’t get painted due to my masking. …...
WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VR-1D Valkyrie Pt.3 – Painting
Unlike more recent Macross kits, the VF-1 kit has quite a few obvious seamlines that require filling. The joint between the nose and the fuselage in particular required some sanding down and re-scribing. It took awhile but it’s time to put paint to plastic! First on as usual is a basecoat of Tamiya Flat Black. …...
WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VR-1D Valkyrie Pt.2 – Construction
Work continues with prepping the pilots. The co-pilot doesn’t fit so his lower legs were chopped off. These were quickly painted up, given a wash, then set aside. With the exhausts pre-painted, it’s time to assemble the legs/engines. The challenge here of course, is to close the gear doors. The kit is designed for lowered...
WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VR-1D Valkyrie Pt.1 – Construction
Due to life basically going to shit the last few months, I’ve found myself a bit more time for modeling. So it’s not all bad? Anyway, next up is a slightly modified VF-1 Valkyrie based on the VF-1D. The base kit will be limited edition ‘Virgin Road’ VF-1D that Max piloted during his wedding to …...