Author: Ed.

On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0C Phoenix Pt. 4

There’s a long seamline all the way down from the intake to the exhaust. Sigh. Some work needed to be done to close the rear landing gear doors. As mentioned before, it’s clear Hasegawa means for this kit to have the landing gear down. I added some plastic card to the inside of the gearbay …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0C Phoenix Pt. 3

Urgh… many many injection pin marks. Some in crazy places. Like below. What were you thinking Hasegawa? 😛 Some badly molded parts too. Nothing that putty can’t fixed though. Pin marks inside the intake is a typically Hasegawa thing. Simple to fix but annoying. Some of the parts will actually be hidden. So hidden that...

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On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0C Phoenix Pt. 2

Handpainting time! First up the ejection seat which is pretty straightforward. Black with OD cushion. I decided to give the pilot a tan flightsuit like what US pilots wear now in the Middle East. Bright helmet and shoulder pads though. Just because… 🙂 The center console is next. Since the VF-0C will be in-flight, the …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0C Phoenix Pt.1

For Plamo’s annual WOOB competition, the theme this year is Do You Remember Macross. I’ve been honored to be asked to be a judge apparently because I’m a Macross fanboy haha! I actually have two other ongoing WIPs that can be considered for WOOB, but what the heck, I decided to add another one. 🙂 …...

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Real Life

And don’t call me Shirley!

Leslie Nielsen has died and the world is less funny somehow. I of course, know him as Lt. Frank Drebin from the Naked Gun series. Years later, I realized he was also in Airplane! where as Dr. Rumack he uttered his most famous line: Rumack: Can you fly this plane, and land it? Ted Striker: …...

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Real Life

Irvin Kerschner (1923-2010)

OK… first Leslie Nielsen and now Irvin Kerschner. Now many don’t know him, but he was the director of arguably the best of the 6 Star Wars episodes, namely Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. He also happened to direct a guilty pleasure of mine, Robocop 2. Yes, the one with the psycho …...

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Site News

A short history of Rocket Punch

It all began after I took a short web design course over a summer in 1998. I was also into abit of scale modeling then. So I did what came naturally; do up a website about scale modeling. And wow, more than 10 years already and I’m still doing both of them. So take a …...

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Preview : 1/72 Morr Models VF-1 Atmospheric Booster

Kit Info Manufacturer: Morr Models Scale: 1/72 Media: Resin Parts: 39 Price: USD 104.95 The Subject The atmospheric booster was an optional attachment to send VF-1 Valkyries into space orbit. The booster is discarded once the Valkyrie reaches space. Advances in technology will eventually enable future variable fighters to reach orbit...

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Review : AFV Acrylic Techniques by Mig Jimenez

DVD Info Minutes: 55 Language: English with Spanish subtitles System: PAL Price: USD 20.00 (est.) Introduction First a disclaimer: this DVD does not teach you how to assemble a kit. It does teach you how some simple techniques can really ‘pop’ a kit and bring it to another level. Traditionally, weathering and finishing of...

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My Builds

Completed : Hasegawa 1/48 Lockheed Martin F-16C ‘414th CTS’

The Subject The Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon (originally developed by General Dynamics) is a multirole jet fighter. It currently serves in no less than 25 nations, with over 4,400 aircraft built. Commonly known as the ‘Viper’, it features innovations including a frameless, bubble canopy for better visibility,...

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