Written by 1:44 pm Real Life

Irvin Kerschner (1923-2010)

OK… first Leslie Nielsen and now Irvin Kerschner. Now many don’t know him, but he was the director of arguably the best of the 6 Star Wars episodes, namely Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. He also happened to direct a guilty pleasure of mine, Robocop 2. Yes, the one with the psycho kid wielding a folding submachine gun.

As a kid, I preferred Return of the Jedi (yes even the Ewoks) but as I’ve grown older, I appreciate ESB more for being much more dramatic and not dispensing on characterization. So now it’s actually my favorite. ROTJ is now 2nd 🙂 .

Anyhow, thanx for being a part of my nerd childhood sir. Godspeed.

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Tags: Last modified: 29 August, 2017