Tag: Italeri

On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 Jaguar Gr.1 Pt.2 – Painting & Finishing

Painting begins with the false canopy painted onto the bottom of the Operation Granby Jaguars. This is something most manufacturers miss out on. Based on the photos I’ve found, there also seems to be different patterns. I decided to just follow the easiest pattern I can find. For the main ‘desert pink’ color, different...

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On the Bench


WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 Jaguar Gr.1 Pt.1 – Construction

Time for a Desert Storm build and what better subject than a sand colored RAF SEPECAT Jaguar? This build will combine the generally well regarded Hasegawa kit with weapons and decals from the Italeri offering. On a sidenote, I should refer to this as an Operation Granby build instead since that’s the name of the …...

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My Builds


Completed : Italeri 1/72 Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-37B Ferret E

Kit Info Brand: Italeri 162 Scale: 1/72 Media: Injection Plastic Markings: Various (see text) The Subject In 1986, Testors Model Corporation released a conceptual model airplane dubbed the F-19 Ghostrider. Their design was based on Lockheed’s real life ‘HAVE BLUE’ stealth fighter project of the 1970s. This F-19 design became...

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On the Bench

WIP : Italeri 1/72 MiG-37 Ferret E – Painting & Finishing

Oof… it took quite a while to fix the gaps. It was prime, fill, sand, buff, prime, fill, sand, buff over and over to finally get to the painting stage. I don’t think I did a banged-up job but it’ll have to do. For the color scheme, I played around with the line-art and came …...

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My Builds

Completed : Italeri 1/48 North American A-36 Apache

Kit Info Brand: Italeri No. 2729 Scale: 1/48 Media: Injection Plastic Markings: Kit The Subject The North American A-36 Apache (also listed as ‘Invader’ or ‘Mustang’) was the ground attack/dive bomber version of the P-51 Mustang. A total of 500 A-36s served in North Africa, the Mediterranean, Italy and the Chine-Burma-India...

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On the Bench

WIP : Italeri 1/48 A-36 Apache Pt. 4 – Finishing

Once all the paint has cured, I gave the whole kit a once over with gloss coat. For the scheme I’m doing, there are yellow wing bands which cut across the dive brakes. The decals for these don’t account for the openings on the dive brakes so to make my life easier, I decided to …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Italeri 1/72 MiG-37 Ferret E – Construction

Next up is what I initially hoped was a quick build. The MiG-37 is a fictional Soviet stealth aircraft designed by the Testors Model Company as the Eastern Bloc counterpart to their F-19 Ghostrider kit. My copy is a Italeri re-boxed kit. Work begins with the cockpit which is very sparse and simplified although surprisingly, …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Italeri 1/48 A-36 Apache Pt. 3 – Painting

Before painting can begin, The canopy needs to be prepped. As mentioned previously, once both halves are put together, not much can really be seen in the cockpit. And since the canopy can only be installed closed, even less will be seen. Canopy masking was with Aizu 1.5mm and 1mm masking tape for the outlines. …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Italeri 1/48 A-36 Apache Pt. 2 – Cockpit

Cockpit work begins with a base coat of black and a marbling coat of white. Then thin coats of Model Color Model Color German Cam. Bright Green that doubles as Interior Green. I’ve read that the A-36 might not have had green interiors but I’m going with the instructions. This was done for all the …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Italeri 1/48 A-36 Apache Pt. 1 – Construction

New year, new build. This time it’s the Italeri rebox of the Accurate Miniatures’ 1994 release. The Italeri boxing was released in 2013 with new marking options. Boxart is quite striking and the box is quite big but it turns out the 4 runners really only barely filled 1/2 of it. Interior details are nicely …...

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