Completed : Airfix 1/72 BAE Systems Hawk 109 ‘TNI-AU’
Kit Info Brand: Airfix A03073 Scale: 1/72 Media: Styrene Markings: Scale Nutz A72019 1/72 TNI-AU Hawk 109/209 ‘Unity Guardian’ The Subject The British Aerospace Systems Hawk is a British single-engine, twin seat advanced trainer aircraft. It is used in a trainer capacity and as a low-cost combat aircraft. First flown in 1974,...
WIP : Airfix 1/72 Hawk 109 Pt. 3 – Finishing
Time to finish this thing. The markings come from Scale Nutz, a defunct decal company based in Singapore. The sheet comes with full stencils for 1 aircraft but enough unit numbers to build any of the Hawk 109 and 209s in TNI-AU service in either squadron. I went with TT-1203 from Skadron 12 for this …...
WIP : Airfix 1/72 Hawk 109 Pt. 2 – Painting
I used a gray color on the parts to check for gaps and thankfully, they weren’t too bad. Painting begins with Tamiya XF-1 Flat Black. First on was freehanded AK Interactive Dark Tan. Based on photos, the camouflage demarcations are solid so I used Tamiya Tape for Curves for these. To prevent overspray, I backfilled …...
WIP : Airfix 1/72 Hawk 109 Pt. 1 – Construction
Next up is another aircraft flown by the TNI-AU and my first modern Airfix kit. As usual, I begin with the ejection seats. The kit comes with seated pilots so no seatbelt details are provided. I made these from 1mm masking tape. Cockpit details are decals and are the same for both cockpits. Oddly, the …...
Completed : Tamiya 1/72 North American P-51D Mustang ‘AURI’
The Kit Brand: Tamiya Scale: 1/72 Media: Injection Plastic Markings: Cap Jempol Metal The Subject The North American P-51 Mustang was an American long-range, single-seat fighter and fighter-bomber used during World War II, the Korean War and other conflicts. Introduced in 1940, it would go on to serve with air forces around the world...
WIP : Tamiya 1/72 P-51D Mustang Pt.3
Work on decals begin as I was bogged down with another case of the gloss coat messing up with the finish. I had to strip and redo a few panels on the port side of the fuselage. In any case, it means I’ll have to avoid showing that side. The patching isn’t that great. The …...
WIP : Tamiya 1/72 P-51D Mustang Pt.2
AURI (Indonesian Air Force) flew P-51s in the late 1950s. This Mustang will be in F-338’s markings, which is one of the few AURI aircraft to score an air-to-air victory: it shot down a B-26 piloted by a CIA agent during the Permesta rebellion. The nose was masked and sprayed and the prop was painted …...
WIP : Tamiya 1/72 P-51D Mustang Pt.1
Using this kit to join a Groupbuild on ARC for the first time. Also hoping to finish this one by 17 August which is Indonesia’s Independence Day. This build will also hopefully kickstart my foray into aircraft flown by the Indonesian Armed Forces. This P-51D will be wearing the colors of AURI (Angkatan Udara Republik …...