Written by 2:56 pm On the Bench

WIP : Airfix 1/72 Hawk 109 Pt. 1 – Construction

Next up is another aircraft flown by the TNI-AU and my first modern Airfix kit. As usual, I begin with the ejection seats. The kit comes with seated pilots so no seatbelt details are provided. I made these from 1mm masking tape.

Cockpit details are decals and are the same for both cockpits. Oddly, the decal sheet provides 4 different front console decals. On the other hand, the instruction shows 1 type to use for both cockpits. Must be a misprint.

Overall details are nice although the panel lines are on the heavier side.

A check after the major components have been attached show some gap fixing required: some are quite obvious and deep while others simply need some quick sanding to resolve.

All in all though, quite a trouble-free build so far. Good thing as I’m trying to finish this by 17 August 2018. Fingers crossed.

Build Log
Pt. 1 – Construction | Pt. 2 – Painting | Pt. 3 – Finishing

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Tags: , , , , , , , Last modified: 20 February, 2020