WIP : Wave 1/20 Rapoon Pt. 2 – Painting & Finishing
Time to finish this kit. Seamlines aren’t hidden and need to be addressed. The areas in shadow were pre-painted in black before assembly. Black base as usual to begin. Marble coating with white. Nothing too precise though. I went with a ground-oriented color scheme with red pauldrons. The joint covers were handpainted in medium...
WIP : Wave 1/20 Rapoon Pt. 1 – Construction
Next up is (what I hope to be) a more relaxing build than the Fujimi RF-4C. This is another powered suit from Maschinen Krieger. This time, it’s a recon version of the standard SAFS. Fit as usual is so-so with fairly obvious gaps. I went with the 2-armed option instead of a laser for the …...