Written by 3:57 pm On the Bench

WIP : Bandai HGUC GM Space Command Pt.1 – Construction

Next up is yet another kit that I have finished snapfitting for a long time. It also continues my EFSF grunt mobile suit collection (what a mouthful).

This is one of the earlier HGUC releases so it suffers from the typical problem of its vintage: overly large hands, limited poseability and a somewhat squat stature. I decided to modify this kit slightly. I began by extending all the limbs: forearms, thighs, lower legs and the front skirts. These were extended between 1.5mm to 2mm by simply chopping them in half, inserting plastic card between the halves, then trimming them. The front skirts were also separated so they can move individually.

The overly squat chest also needed some modifications. To ease painting, I cut off the connections for the lower torso.

Doing it this way lets me paint the torsos separately and I can insert the lower to the upper torso later.

I also modified the neck by moving the polycap up 1mm and holding it in place with a wad of epoxy putty. The lower torso was also extended by about 1.5mm by stacking plastic card on the bottom.

I definitely prefer how it looks now.

The EFSF logo is embossed on the shield and like my previous GM Command build, I trimmed this off and will replace it with a decal.

Much to my ‘surprise’, I managed to lose the left ‘ear muff’ so I replaced it with a Kotobukiya round mold with 2 0.5mm brass rods inserted as antenna. After I was done, the missing part turned up. Oh well.

Another part I lost while this was in storage was the cockpit door. I fashioned a new one. It looks sufficiently different from the original but I like it this way so it differentiates the space from the ground versions.

Since this is the space variant, I added additional vernier and round molds to the legs.

I closed up the hole on the right forearm since it won’t be carrying anything there. I also closed up the hole for the antenna on the right shoulder.

Ready to move on to the next step!

Build Log
Pt. 1 – Construction | Pt. 2 – Painting & Finishing

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Tags: , , , , , , , , , Last modified: 16 August, 2024