As usual, I went easy with the markings. The kit decals are a mixed bag: they slide off the backings quite quickly but they have a satin sheen and some of the white ones tore easily. They also didn’t react much with Mark Softer.
I began weathering with panel lining with lamp black oil paint. This adds a subtle depth to the panel lines. I then assembled the kit together before going onto the filtering stage.
First up a look at the surface after panel lining but before filters.
I then added small drops of white, yellow and blue oil paint over the surfaces.
With a damp flat brush and up down motion, I then blended the oil paints together.
It’s subtle, but the oil paints add additional depth and variation to the colors. I also find that they blend the 2 camo colors together. At this stage I found seamlines that I didn’t fix properly. Oh well, moving on.
I messed up the final flat coat in my hurry to finish. The finish is pebbly in some spots due to uneven application.
Anyway, more weathering is next. Basically it’s:
- adding filters and blending with oil paint
- chipping with acrylic paint
- drybrush with acrylic paint
- streaking with oil paint
- dusting with pigment
These were all done to taste. Thankfuly, I managed to mitigate the pebbly-ness of the flat coat somewhat.
From the beginning of this build, I managed to lose the 2 chest inserts but luckily it looks OK without them.
I’ll try to clean up the dust marks, add a final flat coat to seal in the pigments and I can call this one done.