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Review : The Masters’ Brush Cleaner

Content: 1/4 oz
Price: IDR 75,000

What is it?
The name says it all doesn’t it? It cleans your brushes. Sure you clean with thinner and water after every painting session, but if you’ve used them long enough you know that doesn’t get rid of everything. I’m also quite abusive of my brushes so they deteriorate quite badly.

The Masters’ Brush Cleaner claims to work for brushes that have been used for oil, acrylic and water paints. One thing to note is that mine doesn’t say ‘Brush Preserver’ on its label but if you google, the label usually says ‘Brush Cleaner and Brush Preserver’. I’m not sure if mine is different. This is also supposed to work for both nylon and sable brushes.

How does it work?
It works just like how you would use soap on yourself: just lather and rinse. I found the following instructions online:

For Cleaning

  1. Wipe brush to remove excess paint.
  2. Wet brush and/or The Masters with water.
  3. Swirl brush in The Masters and work into a lather.
  4. Rinse with clean water.
  5. Repeat if necessary until brush is clean (lather will be white). You can clean one color after another without removing the previous colors from The Masters first.
For Preserving
  1. Clean brushes as above
  2. Leave clear lather on bristles, shape and allow to dry.
  3. Shake powder off bristles when ready to use again.
For Restoring
  1. Clean brush as above, but use hot water.
  2. Allow lather to remain on bristles for a few minutes.
  3. If necessary, tap bristles on hard surface to work paint out.
  4. To clean paint from ferrule, allow lather to remain on the bristles for several hours, and repeat cleaning process.
  5. Leave clear lather on bristles, shape, and allow to dry.

Easy enough isn’t it? The cleaner itself looks like soap and has a very slight lemony smell. When I lather the brushes there isn’t any suds but take a look at the before and after below. This was just a quick session of 3 lathers and rinses.

The effect is quite drastic, especially on the older nylon brush. This also proves that it works on both nylon and sable brushes. The nylon brush has gone through a ton of different paints including acrylic and oil types. I’ve also dipped the brush in PVA glue, Future and lacquer thinner. This is also the brush I use to clean my airbrushes. The sable meanwhile spent a few years between uses.

The Masters’ Brush Cleaner is definitely more price effective for the more expensive sable brushes as nylon ones can be bought for such a low price nowadays. The bottle is very small for the price you pay but I think it’ll last for a lot of cleaning sessions.

Highly recommended if only to extend the life of your brushes.

~ Review courtesy of my wallet

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Tags: , Last modified: 25 February, 2020