Completed : Nitto 1/20 PKA ausf. G ‘Gustav’
Kit Info Brand: Nitto Nr. SF3D Series 5 Scale: 1/20 Media: Multimedia (injection plastic, brass, rubber, lead and copper) Markings: Wave PKA Konrad The Subject The new armored fighting suit of the Shutoral Forces, the PKA.G in opposition to the new weapon of the Mercenery troops, the Super AFS had more strengthened mobility and armored...
WIP : Nitto PKA Gustav Pt. 2 – Painting & Finishing
As is now usual, I start with a base of black. Next is a white marble coat. The main color is Panzer Grey with red for the chevrons. These were sprayed slightly thinned so the marble coat shows through. The decals come from the Wave PKA Konrad kit as the original Nitto ones have yellowed …...
WIP : Nitto 1/20 PKA Gustav Pt. 1 – Construction
Time to thin my SF3D/Ma.K stash! This is a PKA Gustav from Nitto when Maschinen Krieger was still known as SF3D. It has since been superseded by a snapfit release from Wave. While this is definitely showing its age with its 1980s engineering and fit, it’s a multimedia kit: it includes brass rods, wires, springs …...
Completed : Wave 1/20 AFSSA E6C/E6 New Rally Pawn
Kit Info Brand: Wave Scale: 1/20 Media: Injection Plastic and Rubber Markings: Kit The Subject The New Rally Pawn is an update of the AFSSA E3C/E3CB Luna Pawn, which is the space variant of the land-based Armored Fighting Suit. The Rally Pawn addresses the main shortcomings of the Luna Pawn which are the relatively weak …...
WIP : Wave 1/20 Rally Pawn Pt. 3
This is the first time I’m painting a large-scaled head. The results aren’t great (the irises aren’t the same size) but I think it’s quite OK for a first effort. Plus it will be hidden under a helmet and behind a visor. Everything was done by handpainting and filtered with washes. Next up decals. I …...
WIP : Wave 1/20 Rally Pawn Pt. 2
Painting begins with an overall base of black primer. White primer is next for highlights. This gives it a look of being hit by the Sun overhead. Then a few light coats of the main color with Vallejo Game Color Stonewall Grey. I then added some freehand camo with Vallejo Game Air Sombre Grey. Last …...
WIP : Wave 1/20 Rally Pawn Pt. 1
While helping my kid out with his 2nd kit (a Bf-109), I finally decided to crack open a Maschinen Krieger (Ma.K) kit to build. This is a Wave update of the Luna Pawn kit that was released a decade back. In universe, the Rally Pawn is an upgraded version of the Luna Pawn which was …...