Completed : Italeri 1/72 BAe Sea Harrier FRS.1
Kit Info Brand : Italeri No.1236 Media : Injection Plastic Markings : Kit The Subject The Sea Harrier is a further development of the Harrier Jump Jet. It is a naval short/vertical take-off and landing (S/VTOL) subsonic jet fighter designed to replace the de Havilland Sea Vixen. Largely based on the RAF’s Harrier GR.3, it …...
WIP : Italeri 1/72 Sea Harrier FRS.1 Pt. 3 – Finishing
Hey… my missing wheel turned up! So the casting work I did was all for naught. Oh well, it was good practice at least. Anyway, on to finishing this build. First, for the base gloss coat, I sprayed AK Interactive Intermediate Gauzy. This is by far the easiest gloss coat I’ve ever used. I simply …...
WIP : Italeri 1/72 Sea Harrier FRS.1 Pt. 2 – Painting
After a few rounds of seamline fixing and rescribing, the pitot tube broke off. Oh well, it makes the kit a lot less fiddly to hold. So, first on is black primer. To add some variety and fading to the monotone color scheme, I sprayed white in random straight lines across the top of the …...
WIP : Italeri 1/72 Sea Harrier FRS.1 Pt. 1 – Construction
Kit Info Manufacturer : Italeri No.1236 Scale : 1/72 Media : Injection Plastic This is the Italeri rebox of the original ESCI kit issued in 1983. By most accounts it’s still one of the better representations of the Sea Harrier in 1/72 scale. As usual we begin with a simple cockpit. Instrument panels are all …...