Upcoming : Hasegawa Crusher Joe Fighter 1
It’s about time I say! Back in the 1980s I had the 1/144 Takara release and of course, I wrecked it by painting with Tamiya markers. Since this is from Hasegawa’s Creative Works line, it should be quite nicely detailed. Plus it’s in a nice 1/72 scale to boot. Can’t wait for the actual finished …...
WIP : Nitto 1/20 PKA Gustav Pt. 1 – Construction
Time to thin my SF3D/Ma.K stash! This is a PKA Gustav from Nitto when Maschinen Krieger was still known as SF3D. It has since been superseded by a snapfit release from Wave. While this is definitely showing its age with its 1980s engineering and fit, it’s a multimedia kit: it includes brass rods, wires, springs …...
Completed : Fine Molds 1/72 Koensayr BTL-A4 Y-wing Starfighter
Kit Info Brand and Kit Number: Fine Molds Media: Injection Plastic Markings: Custom The Subject The BTL-A4 Y-Wing Starfighter is a single-seat assault fighter-bomber. Heavily armed with laser cannons, ion cannons, proton torpedos and proton bombs, it was deployed by the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars and the Rebel Alliance during...
WIP : Fine Molds 1/72 Y-Wing Fighter Pt.2 – Painting & Finishing
Painting begins with my usual black base using Tamiya XF-1 Flat Black. I’m trying a different marble coat this time with patches of various colors. I wanted to see these would have effect on the main colors. The primary color for the Y-wing is thinned Game Color Dead White. The nice thing about priming in …...
WIP : Fine Molds 1/72 Y-Wing Fighter Pt.1 – Construction
Time for a more stress-free build in the shape of this Star Wars kit from the folks at Fine Molds. As usual with anything that looks like an aircraft, the cockpit is built first. It’s on the simple side but once the pilot is in place, most the things here can’t be seen. With some …...
Completed : Max Factory 1/72 Soltic H8 Roundfacer
Kit Info Brand : Max Factory Combat Armor Max 02 Media : Injection Plastic Markings : Kit The Subject Fang of the Sun Dougram (Taiyō no Kiba Daguramu) is a 75 episode anime TV series created by Ryōsuke Takahashi that aired in Japan from 1981 to 1983. In Space Century (SC) 152, an independence movement …...
WIP : Max Factory 1/72 Soltic Roundfacer Pt. 3 – Finishing
As usual, I went easy with the markings. The kit decals are a mixed bag: they slide off the backings quite quickly but they have a satin sheen and some of the white ones tore easily. They also didn’t react much with Mark Softer. I began weathering with panel lining with lamp black oil paint. …...
WIP : Max Factory 1/72 Soltic Roundfacer Pt. 2 – Painting
Painting begins with a base coat of black. For this build, I tried Tamiya XF-1 Flat Black thinned with Mr. Color lacquer thinner for the base coat. Having not have much luck with using acrylic-based primers (I find them hard to use), using this new combo was very easy. I thinned the paint 1:1 and …...
WIP : Max Factory 1/72 Soltic Roundfacer Pt. 1 – Construction
New year, new project. This time it’s a snapfit kit from Max Factory. The subject is the Soltic Roundfacer, a mass production mecha from the 1980s anime Fang of the Sun Dougram. This show was never exported out of Japan so I’ve never actually watched it. But I’ve always liked the designs of the mecha. …...
Upcoming : Ready Player One
The book is chock full of pop culture references. Looks like they managed to pull it off with the movie. Don’t quite remember the RX-78 even making an appearance in the book but it’s always cool to see a giant robot on screen. I just hope we’re getting pre-Schindler’s List Spielberg here....