Tag: Shopping

Hobby Musings, Real Life

A visit to Brookhurst Hobbies

I just got back home after spending twenty days settling my son down for his new life in college in Irvine, California and well, I had some spare time so I popped into Brookhurst Hobbies (Google map), who this year is celebrating their fifty years of establishment. That’s an amazing achievement especially considering the state...

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Hobby Musings, Real Life

A shopping spree in Tokyo in December 2023

At the end of December, my family and I made a short trip to one of our favorite vacation spots, Japan! Scale modeling shopping is always on the to-do list when in Japan. As we decided to take it easy and not hit every tourist spot in Tokyo, this trip afforded me a chance to …...

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Hobby Musings, Real Life

A visit to HQ Hobbies

I’m currently in Milford, Connecticut accompanying my daughter to a competition and I found a hobby shop! HQ Hobbies is a 21 year old shop run by Randy and his assistant Pumpkin. As usual with an American shop there are a lot of AMT/Monogram car kits. But the shop also carries some reasonably priced Eduard …...

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Hobby Musings, Real Life

Musings : Kudos to Wave Corporation!

So there I was disassembling my Wave 1/72 Legioss kit to prepare for painting when the hip joint snapped due to my gorilla strength. After some cursing and swearing, I took a look online and saw that the kit was long discontinued. So I checked the kit to see the broken part could be repaired. …...

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Hobby Musings

Scale model shopping in Akihabara, Tokyo

Ahhh Akihabara, otaku central of Tokyo. Games, electronics, maid cafes and of course, anime and manga products can all be found here. If you’re a scale modeler, you have to visit Akihabara if only to be amazed by the size of the selections offered in the shops. But any self-respecting geek would get at least …...

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Hobby Musings

A visit to Warhammer – Tottenham Court Road

So I visited the UK earlier in June and I made sure to visit a Games Workshop store. Lucky for me there was one near the hotel I was staying at. Even better was the opening hours: they are open till 10pm every Monday-Saturday. The store wasn’t big. But it was packed with people, products …...

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Hobby Musings, Real Life

A visit to Yodobashi Camera Shinjuku

A scale modeler’s trip to Tokyo is never complete without visiting at least one of the Yodobashi Camera stores. On my trip in December, I stayed in Shinjuku and happily, Yodobashi Camera Shinjuku was only a 5 minutes walk away. Very dangerous indeed for this modeler. It turns out that this particular Yodobashi Camera is …...

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Hobby Musings


Making my rounds in Singapore’s hobby shops

So I had a short business trip to Singapore. As usual I also make a run at the model shops to see the goodies. There’s really nothing like being able to just go to a shop and leisurely look at the model kits and supplies. Even better is that these shops are all walking distance …...

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