Mig AMMO Medium Fine 0.02mm Rigging… what was I thinking?
It’s as if I don’t get enough eye strain as it is when I’m doing my scale models. And also as if my attempt with a 1/48 scale rigging was a resounding success in the first place. Anyway, a 1/700 ship model has always been on my model bucket list which is why I need …...
Scale model shopping in Akihabara, Tokyo
Ahhh Akihabara, otaku central of Tokyo. Games, electronics, maid cafes and of course, anime and manga products can all be found here. If you’re a scale modeler, you have to visit Akihabara if only to be amazed by the size of the selections offered in the shops. But any self-respecting geek would get at least …...
A visit to Warhammer – Tottenham Court Road
So I visited the UK earlier in June and I made sure to visit a Games Workshop store. Lucky for me there was one near the hotel I was staying at. Even better was the opening hours: they are open till 10pm every Monday-Saturday. The store wasn’t big. But it was packed with people, products …...
Words to live by…
My good buddy Max helped me get this from The M Workshop in Singapore....
The modeler/hoarder’s workflow
My friend, Maxwinamp, the Plamo admin, came up with this. And it summarizes how our stash pretty much, never really ever goes down. All roads lead to the big red box…...