WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-25S Messiah Pt.3 – Finishing
The kit decals went on OK. Some are robust and took handling and adjusting well but others did tear and some careful re-alignment was needed. I also made a big mistake in putting the SMS logo on the wrong side of the tailfins. I had to carefully re-hydrate them to move them to the correct …...
WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-25S Messiah Pt.2 – Painting
Looks patchy after a few rounds of gray to check for seamlines. But it’s finally ready to paint. First is the base of Tamiya XF-1 Flat Black cut with lacquer thinner. The VF-25S is in a 2 tone gray camo. I used MIG AMMO Light Gray for the lighter gray. I’m guessing because the mecha …...
WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-25S Messiah Pt. 1 – Construction
Building up a Hasegawa Macross kit is easier than a typical aircraft kit in that they can be built up in subassemblies like a mecha kit. However, some planning is needed to make this work out so I begin by cutting and dryfitting the major parts together. As usual with Hasegawa, the fit is very …...