Written by 12:11 am On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-25S Messiah Pt. 1 – Construction

Building up a Hasegawa Macross kit is easier than a typical aircraft kit in that they can be built up in subassemblies like a mecha kit. However, some planning is needed to make this work out so I begin by cutting and dryfitting the major parts together. As usual with Hasegawa, the fit is very good though tolerances are tight in some parts.

Since I’m building Ozma’s VF-25S, I went with the single seat cockpit. The ejection seat is nicely detailed although hidden once the Ozma figure is attached.

As with any aircraft kit, the pilot and cockpit needs to be painted and finished first.

With the instrument coamings installed, the cockpit is tight place to be and very little can be seen. The main console itself is a decal.

Hasegawa designs the wings to be movable but I went ahead to cement them in deployed position instead.

The exhausts are very detailed and also movable. I’ll be prepping these separately and only installing in the final stage.

As usual with my Macross kits, I want to build them in-flight whenever possible. The pole is a hollow brass rod secured with a glob of epoxy putty.

The kit came together quickly. Gaps and seamlines are part and parcel of building a kit, but with careful (and multiple) dry-fits, it’s possible to minimize them.

I spray gray color on all all the joint areas to check for gaps and seamlines. The gray color makes any issues easier to see. Luckily for me, there were only a few areas that require fixing.

The canopy was masked and given a coat of Mr. Masking Sol R. The liquid mask will fill any gap I miss with the masking tape and more importantly, it will also hold everything in place. I didn’t use the liquid mask in my previous build and the masking tape lifted and caused some overspray. Lesson learned, I’m not going to skip this step anymore.

Once dry, I’ll attach the canopy to the kit with Gator Glue and then it’s time to proceed to painting.

Build Log
Pt. 1 – Construction | Pt. 2 – Painting | Pt. 3 – Finishing

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Tags: , , , , , , Last modified: 20 February, 2020