Written by 11:23 am On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-25S Messiah Pt.3 – Finishing

The kit decals went on OK. Some are robust and took handling and adjusting well but others did tear and some careful re-alignment was needed.

I also made a big mistake in putting the SMS logo on the wrong side of the tailfins. I had to carefully re-hydrate them to move them to the correct side. In the process I managed to strip the black color on one of the tailfins. So I carefully sanded and buffed the area, masked off the existing decals, then re-sprayed black. It looks OK now.

The whole point of going with Ozma Lee’s VF-25S colors is the very cool skull logo on the back of his VF-25. Thankfully Hasegawa designed it in 3 parts. Due to their intricate design, I went with decals for the yellow and black chevrons. The other yellow markings were masked and sprayed. The 2 shades of yellow don’t quite match but I’ll live with it.

Once the decals have cured, the kit was wiped down, dusted and sprayed with another gloss coat to prepare for the panel wash and weathering.

Weathering begins with a panel wash using Mig AMMO Deep Brown wash. Is it better than the usual oil paint sludge? Not really. But it’s ready to use out of the bottle.

I’m not neat about it at all. What matters more is that the wash gets into all the panel lines.

After 30 minutes or so, I wipe down the kit with a paper towel lightly dampened with odorless turpentine.

I tried my best to wipe from the front to back direction. This follows the direction of airflow (er… yeah even though these things usually fly in a vacuum).

Next I added filters, discoloration, faded the decals and streaks using the same brown wash in addition to white and black oil paints. The efforts are more obvious in the light gray areas.

I made sure to add streaks on the wing actuators.

The overall markings and (especially) the skull doesn’t look as stark now.

Final assembly of the parts is next and I can call this done.

Build Log
Pt. 1 – Construction | Pt. 2 – Painting | Pt. 3 – Finishing

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Tags: , , , , , , , Last modified: 20 February, 2020