Written by 11:18 am On the Bench

WIP : Bandai Stormtrooper Pt. 2

No, not quite the Ewok village but yes, Ewoks are a savage bunch. Do not f**k with them.

Anyway, painting stage involves a base of black primer. Then I sprayed US Grey so the top layer of Dead White doesn’t need to be too thick to look ‘white’. I also tried to get the upper regions of each part brighter to simulate the direction of the Sun hitting the figure. Not sure how effective it will be though. I also added some salt chipping during the priming stage.

To break up the somewhat monotonous color, I decided to add some color bands on the white armor. I masked using Tamiya Tape for Curves which work very well for this and sprayed Bloody Red for the bands. I then handpainted some of the details on the helmet and lower torso with Black Grey. After removing the dried salt, I blended the chipping by adding US Grey and Dead White with a handbrush. I hope I haven’t overdone the chipping. I know all these details aren’t canon, but I’ll live with the fanboy rage if any. 😀

After this is a gloss coat, some decals and panel lining/wash. I’m thinking I should drybrush the black areas too. Let’s see.

Build Log
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

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Tags: , , , , , , Last modified: 24 June, 2020