WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 AV-8B Harrier II Pt. 2 – Construction, Painting & Finishing
Gap fixing took some time as quite a few prominent joints didn’t fall on natural panel lines. There was a noticeable seamline where the LERX meets the wing which required filling and rescribing of the whole area. The bottom was relatively free of annoying seamlines. The fit of the gunpod though… The gunpod system is …...
WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 AV-8B Harrier II Pt. 1 – Construction
I started this kit in early December 2020 thinking that since it was from Hasegawa I should be able to finish it by the end of year and hit my target of a dozen kits completed. Alas, I had too much faith in Hasegawa. This kit really needed ‘some basic modeling skills’ after all. What …...