Written by 4:41 pm Hobby News

Upcoming : Great Wall Hobby 1/72 F-14D Tomcat

Who doesn’t want more F-14s anyway? This one is coming from GWH in June 2019 (I think). Parts break down seems to fall between the Hobby Boss and Hasegawa kits. GWH has developed a reputation for highly detailed and yet good fitting kits. Something that Hobby Boss and Hasegawa F-14s aren’t with the latter.

The kit is clearly designed to have multiple variants and has the coveted flaps and slats lowered option. It’s interesting to note however, that none of the ‘Bombcat’ parts are in these pictures. Let’s see if they are added upon release.

Pictures from Fishbone Inc.

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Tags: , , , , , Last modified: 20 February, 2020