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Upcoming : RPG Models 1/35 Phalanx CIWS

Back in the early 2000s, I saw the resin Hobby Fan 1/35 Phalanx CIWS at a local model shop. I really wanted to get it but 1) it was resin and 2) it was expensive so I resisted. I’ve always wanted one though. Lo and behold, RPG Model has just announced the imminent release of their version of the Phalanx CIWS.

This looks to be a mix of injection plastic and (a lot) of photoetch details. More importantly, it doesn’t look like it’ll cost an arm and a leg. I’ve never worked much with PE and it looks to be a huge PITA to bend and shape so many of them. But they are definitely safer to deal with than blocks and blocks of resin.

RPG Model is also releasing the CIWS-based SeaRAM weapon system at the same time.

This is coming in June @ USD 26 (as listed on Hobby Easy). More photos at RPG Model.

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Tags: , , , Last modified: 20 February, 2020