Written by 2:21 pm On the Bench

WIP : 1/72 Academy F-8E Crusader Pt.1

Like all aircraft kits, I started with the cockpit. The details are basic but acceptable for 1/72. Control panels are recessed but Academy conveniently includes decals.

The ejection seat is made up of 4 parts. It doesn’t have any seatbelt details. This is handbrushed, washed and drybrushed to bring out the details.

I decided to use the decal for the front console.

The cockpit is then quickly assembled, painted and given a wash.

I then did a test fit of the fuselage and it looks to be good.

The kit comes with the option of lowered flaps, slats and pivoting wing. It also comes with rocket pods, missiles, bomb racks and bombs. I decided to keep it simple by closing the flaps, slates and wings. I also forgo with all the external weapons since the F-8 is known as the ‘last gunfighter’: only internal guns for this one.

Build Log
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

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Tags: , , , , , , , , Last modified: 5 January, 2021