Written by 10:54 am On the Bench

WIP : Bandai 1/144 RGC-80 GM Cannon Pt.3 – Painting & Finishing

Painting begins with a base of black using both Tamiya XF-1 Flat Black and Gunze Surfacer Black. Surfacer gives a smoother finish especially when thinned with Mr Leveling Thinner. Unfortunately the smell is a lot stronger.

For the joints and other gray parts I used Mecha Color Grey Z.

The black parts were given a once over with Model Color Black Grey which is a very very very dark gray similar to RLM99.

The cannon and the beam pistol were painted Model Color Dark Seagreen which is pretty much Gunship Gray to everyone else.

For all the parts requiring white, I went with a slightly off-white color using Model Air Insignia White.

Over a black base, the white takes on a bluish tone.

GM Cannons are typically depicted in a red color scheme but I decided to go for a more appropriate land ops scheme. So over the base of black I painted Model Color USA Olive Drab.

I then masked the parts off with 2.5mm masking tape in a splinter pattern and then sprayed the parts over with AK Interactive Olive Drab Highlights mixed with a little Model Color USA Olive Drab. Checking the results I think it looks OK.

So I went ahead and painted the rest of the parts. I then buffed down all the parts with a sanding sponge to even out the ridges between the two camouflage colors. This also helps to knock down the contrast between the two tones.

I did a quick fitting of the parts to check my progress. Not bad at all. Moving on.

Next comes painting the tiny details like the exhausts, miscellaneous gribbles, vents and the ‘face’ behind the visor. I also took the time to fix any overspray because as usual I was lazy with some of my masking.

After a gloss coat, it was decaling time. As usual I keep it simple.

Once the decals have set and given a quick wipe to remove the decal residue, I gave everything another gloss coat before adding a panel wash with Mig AMMO Deep Brown Panel Wash. This is done over the dark parts too to give a more subtle effect in these areas.

Now the fun (AKA hiding mistakes) begins with chipping using sponge and Model Color Black Grey for the lighter parts and Mecha Color Grey Z for the darker parts.

I also carefully added larger chipping with a paintbrush but the majority was using sponge because it’s easier to have small random chips with them. Note the V marking on the crotch which I handpainted Game Air Gold Yellow over a base of white color.

Fading, streaking and adding general grime is next with oil paints. For this kit I used Mig AMMO Oilbrusher Starship Filth, White and Dusty Earth

For obvious reasons, the weathering is heavier on the lower half of the kit. The photo below shows the first go at it. I let the kit sit for a while, re-looked at my work and added more grime later.

Once I was happy with the weathering, I gave the whole kit a misting of satin. The visor was then attached and forehead camera lenses painted a clear red and given a drop of Future for gloss before finally putting everything together.

Build Log
Part 1 – Construction | Part 2 – Construction | Part 3 – Painting & Finishing

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Tags: , , , , , , , , , , Last modified: 28 July, 2020