Next in my 1/144 Mass Production Mobile Suits collection is the ground pounding version of the GM Command.

The usual mods were made: heightening the waist, extending the upper and lower legs, extending the lower arms, extending the base of the cockpit area and extending the neck. The neck was further reinforced with epioxy putty. The nodifications were done using 1mm plastic plates.

A before and after look at the modifications, which are easy things to do to add height of the kit. The fists were also replaced with ones from MS Builder Parts.

The color scheme is inspired by my old OOB build of the same kit from way back in 2006. At the time I handpainted the camouflage but I found a set of laser cut masking tape from HiQ Parts that will allow me to airbrush the scheme.

So I painted, masked, painted, masked, painted.

I managed to use up the whole sheet for only the few parts that needed masking. I then buffed down everything with a very fine sanding sponge to even out the ridges that built up due to the many layers of paint.

I then put the kit together into sub-assemblies. This will make it easier to judge the decaling work that’s next.

As usual I didn’t go whole hog on the markings. They are just enough to make it look busy.

Also as usual, I added a Model Kasten pin-up girl decal on the shield. The kit was then sealed with a satin coat to prep for weathering.

Next I added chipping with a sponge and acrylic paint. Then Just in case it would crack the plastic, I didn’t use my usual oil paint wash. Instead I used the clay-based Flory Model Wash. The wash toned down the chipping and I went back in to add some more so it looks like there’s old and new chipping.

I went through several rounds of this, pausing in between to look at the ‘whole picture’. The last weathering step was adding soot and staining on the shield, legs and backpack area.

And then it’s just a case of assembling the whole kit together. Out of the GMs from the ‘War in the Pocket’ OVA, I only have the GM Sniper II left to complete that particular sub-collection.