Written by 2:02 pm On the Bench

WIP : 1/72 Academy F-8E Crusader Pt. 3

Work continues on this kit with fixing seamlines. This kit has a lot of panel lines and rivets that get obliterated due to sanding.

I rescribed with a needle + pin vise combo using a strip of dymo tape as a guide. I choose to not redo the rivets just because :).

It was also here that I realized I have flipped the ventral fins. They are the same except the side with more details should be facing down. Oh well.

Next up I masked the canopy (which went for a dunk in Future previously) with Tamiya tape and Gunze Masking Sol. The front canopy had curves that was hard to mask with tape so I brush painted the masking sol free hand. There is an IRST ball that needs to be attached on the front canopy but I think I’ll hold till later.

I’m also holding off attaching the canopy till after all primer is done on the main body. In this pic, there is a bit of gray peeking under the main color of the canopy frame. That’s the primer layer. It’s not very nice looking so I’m trying something different this time to prevent this from happening again.

Build Log
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

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Tags: , , , , , , , , Last modified: 5 January, 2021