Written by 3:42 pm On the Bench

WIP : Airfix 1/48 Defiant Mk.I Pt. 3 – Painting

Painting begins with a base coat of black.

Then the usual marble coat with white.

The first color on is AK Interactive Dark Earth.

The paint was thinned and had Vallejo Glaze Medium added. With the reduced opacity the marble coat still shows through.

I then masked off the dark earth sections with blutack to get a slightly blurred demarcation line. I then backfilled the areas with masking tape. This is actually washi tape which I’ve been using off and on, hence, the printing and purple color on the tape. 😀 The tape is less tackier than even Tamiya Tape so it’s good for temporary masking jobs like these.

The next color is AK Interactive RAF Dark Green.

Once dry, I removed the masking to check my work.

And as usual, I missed spots where I masked too much. Ah well.

In any case, I’ll deal with the bottom first. The wheel wells were painted Model Air Metallic Steel then masked off. I then carefully masked off the demarcation lines with blu-tack and masking tape.

The bottom is AK Interactive RAF Sky.

I then went back to fix all the various mistakes in the camouflage. I also tried to make the demarcations sharper in some spots.

One last step that I’m trying is to buff everything down with a 3M sanding sponge. This serves 2 purposes: it’ll sand down any ridges between the colors or uneven paint work and it adds a bit of fading to the camouflage.

The rest of the parts were also painted. And just my luck, I broke 1 of the actuators. No challenge, no kick I guess. Anyway, finishing the kit is next!

Build Log
Part 1 – Cockpit | Part 2 – Construction | Part 3 – Painting | Part 4 – Finishing

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Tags: , , , , , , , , Last modified: 5 August, 2020