Written by 10:50 pm On the Bench

WIP : 1/72 Hasegawa VF-1A Valkyrie Pt. 6

To fix the gloss issue, I decided to try out Lifecolor Gloss Clear instead. I thinned it with water (by guesstimate) and went ahead to spray 2-3 layers. It’s really a lot easier to use than Future. So much so that I’m considering just using Future for other things instead of glossing.

So anyway then it was time for panel washing again. And this time there weren’t any major issues at all.

Then I noticed that I have lost the port vent for the inlet. Crap. Luckily for me I have a spare that I found recently from an abandoned VF-1S project. So I quickly painted it up with Gunmetal Gray and attached with superglue.

The MLG and nosegear were then attached along with their doors with superglue.

I then carefully attached all the clear parts onto the kit with cement. Having coated them with Future they didn’t fog at all. I also handpainted Transparent Red and Blue on the tip of the tailfins at this point.

I then gave everything a few thin coats of Vallejo Polyurethane Satin Gloss to seal everything up. I managed to turn the clear parts semi-gloss which I went back with a swipe of Future to shine them back up again.

Lastly was the moment of truth which was to remove the masking tape over the canopy. And lucky for me it turned out very well apart from the port side where I overmasked and there was some missing ‘frame’. I carefully handpainted with Black Gray to fix it.

Right before I finished the port MLG wheel broke off with the male part of the joint attached. I used superglue and ran some Tamiya thin cement on the joint hoping it will hold together.

The wings were then attached without cement and then placed in the swept position and I’m happy to say this project is finished!

Proper studio pics soon.

Build Log
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

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Tags: , , , , , , Last modified: 24 June, 2020