Written by 2:47 pm On the Bench

WIP : Bandai HGUC RGM-79 GM Pt.1

My previous RGM-79 was a custom colored work. I decided that since I want to start a GM collection, I’d better have at least one GM in the standard red and white color scheme. So here it is, in all its assembled glory.

For some strange reason, I find that it looks a bit stumpy. It’s actually the same height as the GM Command and Cold Climate Type but it just doesn’t look like it is. Compared to the other GMs, it’s also very retro-looking. So much so that I feel that they end up not looking like they are related MS. So I’m going to do a bit of surgery to hopefully fix that.

I’m going to mod the kit systematically. First up are the feet. I added 1.5mm to the toe area to lengthen them.

Playing around with lineart coloring. As mentioned previously, I’m going to paint this thing in the original red and white color scheme… so I’m limited to just playing around with the color combo. Here’s what I have so far. The first is of course, the default anime-accurate color scheme. Whichever scheme I finally decide on, I’ll probably go for some ‘splinter’ camo with 2 shades of red. Just to break the monotony of the plain-jane color scheme.

Thighs and legs have all been extended by 1.5mm, which now makes the GM look oh-so lithe… which also means compared to the other HGUC GMs, it’s probably much taller :P.

To improve the pose of the GM, I did the same waist mod as I did in my (old) Rick Dias build. Just a simple build up of plastic plates into a slope. I then cut off the male part of the waist on the kit and repositioned it slightly to lean forwards. Then it’s all a matter of slipping on the slope and adding the upper body on top of it.

Next is a holster for the beam spray gun. I didn’t really have idea how it would look like so I just added a plaplate here and there until I got a holster-looking construct. The neat thing about this holster is the beam spray gun is mountable without additional mods needed to be done on the gun itself. It’s also a good fit on the holster. So much so it won’t fall off without aid.

Build Log
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

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Tags: , , , , , , , , Last modified: 24 June, 2020