Written by 8:16 pm On the Bench

WIP : Kinetic 1/48 Alpha Jet Pt. 5 – Main Construction

To address the step between the front canopy and the nose, it was a matter of putty + elbow grease with a sanding sponge. However, the way the front canopy attaches to the nose, the port side joint is only (at most) 0.5mm away from a panel line. Naturally I managed to obliterate part of the panel line so some rescribing was needed.

While the general fit of the canopies look OK, I decided to leave them open for this build. And since they are quite bare, I also decided to torture myself and add some handles and rear view mirrors. First up is masking.

The insides were also masked…

The rear view mirrors are put together from 0.2mm plastic plate and a bit of stretched sprue.

I used thin solder wire for the handles. The design and placement of these are based on photos I found online.

Looks acceptable after a spray of color. Might be a tad oversized and crude but I’m moving on.

After some more masking of the cockpit, intakes and the main landing gear, it looks like I’m finally ready for painting!

Hoo ah!

Build Log
Pt. 1 – Cockpit | Pt. 2 – Main Construction | Pt. 3 – Main Construction | Pt. 4 – Main Construction
Pt. 5 – Main Construction | Pt. 6 – Painting | Pt. 7 – Finishing

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Tags: , , , , , , , , Last modified: 25 February, 2020