Written by 4:39 pm On the Bench

WIP : Supermarine Spitfire Mk. Vb Pt. 2

Painting begins. The Spitfire I’m modeling is primarily 3 colors: Medium sea grey bottom with ocean grey and dark green up top.

First up, the bottom. Based on some research, Model Master Acryl Neutral Gray 4757 is a close match to medium sea grey.

As acrylic paint chip easily, I let each color cure at least 24 hours before masking. Obviously, masking off the bottom is next.

I used a pencil to lightly draw out the camouflage pattern on the fuselage. Then for the ocean grey up top, I went with Lifecolor Ocean Grey UA093.

I then masked off most of the grey and for the edges, I used rolled blu-tack to do the demarcation lines. I don’t trust my free hand skills so the blu-tack will allow me to have a harder separation between the two camouflage colors than doing it free hand.

For dark green I went with Vallejo Model Color US Dark Green 893.

And yes, it took awhile and the results were so:

And yes, it still needs some cleanup but I’ll need to wait for the dark green to cure first. Next time though, I think I’ll just lay on the first color over the whole kit, then the second color with blu-tack masking. Much less cleaning up to do for sure.

I’m getting closer to the finish line at least!

Build Log
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

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