Written by 2:35 pm On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0C Phoenix Pt.1

For Plamo’s annual WOOB competition, the theme this year is Do You Remember Macross. I’ve been honored to be asked to be a judge apparently because I’m a Macross fanboy haha!

I actually have two other ongoing WIPs that can be considered for WOOB, but what the heck, I decided to add another one. 🙂 Any excuse to take another kit out of my stash. This one is Hasegawa’s VF-0C Phoenix. None of them will be eligible for any prizes of course.

This time I’m trying something different. I’m building as many subassemblies as possible and then painting all of them in one shot. Let’s see how that goes. With this approach, I got quite a bit of construction done in 2.5 hours.

Ejection seat. Made up of 3 parts. No belts but it will be covered by the pilot.

Pilot. Interestingly, the box comes with 2 of these. 2 seats too. Guess they didn’t bother to rebox from the VF-0D release.

Cockpit. I decided to cement this down to the lower fuselage upfront.

Gun and arms. Simple affairs but ugly seamlines abound.

Head. Half of the head will be hidden but it’s nice they included the whole thing.

Upper fuselage. I deviated from the instructions which call for the nose and rear fuselage to be first assembled separately before joining together. My way will allow me to reduce the chances of a step or gap on the joint between the nose and rear fuselage.

Stores. The kit gave me options for the underwing weapons. I decided to go with the HAIM-95A (which look like external fuel tanks) and keep the GH-28A rocket pods for another VF-0. Besides, there will already be a pair of GH-28s overwing.

Wings. These are big delta-wings with all the flaps and slats already attached. Would have been cool if they were separate though. I also added the weapons pylons here.

Front landing gear. I model all Macross fighters with their gear up but it’s clear Hasegawa intended for the landing gear to be posed down so some work needs to be done to close them up properly. Lots of wrestling with parts and sanding down for them to fit semi-properly here. Definitely needs some cleanup later.

Build Log
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

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Tags: , , , , , , Last modified: 31 August, 2021