Handpainting time! First up the ejection seat which is pretty straightforward. Black with OD cushion.
I decided to give the pilot a tan flightsuit like what US pilots wear now in the Middle East. Bright helmet and shoulder pads though. Just because… 🙂
The center console is next. Since the VF-0C will be in-flight, the MFDs will be on so I painted them a bright green. Will be adding a drop of Future floor polish on each MFD to make them really glossy.
Build Log
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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Tags: Variable Fighter, 1/72, Hasegawa, Mecha, Macross, Project: VF-0C Phoenix, Macross Zero Last modified: 31 August, 2021