This is the first time I’m doing a terrained base of any kind so like all 21st Century nerd, I went to Youtube to get learn how to do it. I found the EonsOfBattle channel which offered easily followed tips.
So first I fixed the base onto a block of styrofoam so it’s easy to hold (pic 1). Then I put on some glue from a hot glue gun to build up a bit of uneven groundwork. I glued 2 small stones I picked up from the street and some foam bricks with the glue gun to simulate a pile of bricks. After the glue has dried I brushed white glue on all the remaining spaces and added sand (pic 2).
Then it was a coat of Vallejo Model Air Black Grey as a base color (pic 3). After that has dried I drybrushed Model Color Iraqi Sand on the er… sand. This was also given a wash from Model Color Wash Brown (pic 4).
I then drybrushed the stones with Model Color Medium Sea Grey and Light Grey to bring out details (pic 5). For the bricks, I drybrushed Model Color Foundation White (pic 6). The stones and the bricks were then given a wash of Model Color Wash Black in the recesses. To add some color I then added a few small clumps of green foliage. These were trimmed to shape with scissors (pic 7 and 8).
I then drilled a hole into the bricks and friction mounted the figure.
I’ll paint up the sides of the base, flat coat everything and gloss up the eyes again as the last steps but I’m essentially done.
Build Log
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4