Written by 10:10 am On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S Super Strike Valkyrie Pt.4 – Finishing

The fixes required after painting were thankfully minor. The most obvious being the round plate on the backpack.

Some careful hand painting fixed it.

After a gloss coat, it was time for decals. Since I didn’t have enough of the roundels, I had to use the 2 that were from the old boxing, which is at least a decade old and not in the best shape. Each roundel was made of 2 layers: 1 white and 1 red. Just my luck that the last red piece started breaking as soon as I lifted it out of the water.

To fix it, I cut out sections from the red skull squadron markings on the new sheet and stacked them onto the existing decal. It’s not perfect (the shade of red is slightly different and if you looked carefully 1 corner is not very neat) but it’ll have to do. Sidenote: I also added yellow bands around the Super FAST packs to indicate that these are the HMMP-02 missile pods instead of propellant ones.

Milia gets the ‘003’ nose number since I figured that Hikaru is ‘002’ and Maximilliam is presumably ‘002’.

The decals from the new sheet went on without any problems and worked very well with Mark Softer. I kept the stencils to a minimum.

Once cured and given another gloss coat, it’s time to weather.

First is a panel wash with Miig AMMO Deep Brown Panel Line Wash.

To reduce the contrast between the different colors and markings, I added a filter with blue and white oil paint.

I also blended Mig AMMO Oilbrusher Starship FIlth in random spots.

Ready for weathering.

Panel washed.

Filtered and faded with oil paint.

Ready for weathering.

Panel washed.

Filtered and faded with oil paint.

The blending of the oil paints add add some visual interest and replicates the look of an operational machine.

Since they are in a darker color, the FAST Packs were given a panel wash of Abteilung Neutral Grey instead. Fading and filter were the same using white and blue oil paints.

/crosses fingers. Final assembly is next!

Build Log
Part 1 – Construction | Part 2 – Construction | Part 3 – Painting |
Part 4 – Finishing | Part 5 – Final Assembly

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Tags: , , , , , Last modified: 20 February, 2020