On the Bench

On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0C Phoenix Pt.1

For Plamo’s annual WOOB competition, the theme this year is Do You Remember Macross. I’ve been honored to be asked to be a judge apparently because I’m a Macross fanboy haha! I actually have two other ongoing WIPs that can be considered for WOOB, but what the heck, I decided to add another one. 🙂 …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-22S Sturmvogel II Pt.4

One last look before sealing the canopy! First up I hand painted the cockpit sills with black grey and instrument coaming US grey. Both are given a black wash and lightly drybrushed to pop the details. I dipped the canopy in Future then cemented it to the kit. In addition to the super shine, the …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-22S Sturmvogel II Pt.3

Cockpit done! First up, an overall coat of Vallejo US Grey. Then Black Grey for the stripe on the bang seat and an overall wash of the same color to add depth. The same was done on the control panels but they ended up still looking quite bare. Besides, it’s supposed to be inflight so …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-22S Sturmvogel II Pt.2

Progress slow (as usual) but basic construction done. First up though, is to do the landing gear in the up position. I cut out the support beams on the gear doors and then I used some blu-tack as support for the doors to make sure they don’t fall into the bays. The rear landing gear …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-22S Sturmvogel II Pt.1

Like all of their Macross series kits, Hasegawa engineered the kit to be done up in pretty straightforward subassemblies. I decided to do them up as much as possible before the painting process. As usual, we begin with the cockpit. It’s quite sparse but should be OK with the pilot figure in it. Next up, …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/48 F-16C 414th CTS Pt.3

Crap. It’s been almost 3 months since I did anything else to this build. Today, I finally got around fixing the demarcation lines. And boy did I have a ‘great’ time doing it. First I used blutack to mask all over the kit. And ended up not doing anything to it for 3 weekends. And …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Hasegawa 1/48 F-16C 414th CTS Pt.2

I say. This project has been ongoing (mostly off) for almost 3 years! Who would have thunk. Time sure flies. Anyhow, before I get bitched to death by my friends who know about this project, I decided I really have to finish this one. So anyhow, I still don’t have a proper workdesk, but I …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Bandai HGUC RGM-79 GM Pt.3

It’s been a while heh. I always get bogged down in the sanding process but anyhow, finding some spare ball joints in my GM Quel resin kit spurred me to fix the one glaring problem with this project: the broken neck. The original fix (August 30 entry) I did worked somewhat. The head would fit …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Bandai HGUC RGM-79 GM Pt.2

I cut up the leg joints up so the lower leg can twist independently from the thighs. I find it gives the GM a better look. The cutting is quite rough so I’ll probably need to do some fixing to make the break in the joint less obvious. To allow the legs to be pushed …...

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On the Bench

WIP : Bandai HGUC RGM-79 GM Pt.1

My previous RGM-79 was a custom colored work. I decided that since I want to start a GM collection, I’d better have at least one GM in the standard red and white color scheme. So here it is, in all its assembled glory. For some strange reason, I find that it looks a bit stumpy. …...

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