Completed : Wave 1/20 SAFS
Number 11 of 2021...
WIP : Wave 1/20 SAFS – Construction & Finishing
I found another Shelf Queen which was quite near to the painting stages so what better time than do roll up the sleeves and finish it? Most of the gap filling had already been done although I spotted more things that I needed to fix. The Wave kits use polycaps for attaching the limbs so …...
WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0D Pt.2 – Construction
I’ve always used round brass rods to mount my kits because the holes are much easier to drill out. However, the kit can spin in place with a round rod if I don’t use some sort of glue to secure it in place. I’ve previously used a polycap but the clutch eventually wore out and …...
WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0D Pt.1 – Construction
This will be an OOB build of the twin-seater version of the VF-0 Phoenix from Macross Zero. With its delta wings, I’ve always gotten the Dassault Mirage 2000 vibes from the VF-0D so I’ve also always planned to give the kit the same color scheme as the Mirage 2000D. But while playing around with the …...
Completed : Hasegawa 1/72 Sukhoi/IAI/Dornier SV-51y
Kit Info Brand: Hasegawa 65776 Scale: 1/72 Media: Styrene Markings: Bits and pieces from Eagle Strike and no brand stencils The Subject The SV-51 is a variable fighter jointly developed with Overtechnology by Sukhoi, Israel Aircraft Industries and Dornier. Like the VF-0, it is an advance trial production model equipped with...
WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 SV-51y Pt. 3 – Painting & Finishing
The exhausts are intricate and required some planning to paint properly. Since I have a custom scheme in mind, I decided to foollow my own path for the exhaust colors too. First up is a base of gloss black. The upper sections of the exhausts were painted Vallejo Metal Color Burnt Metal Exhaust over a …...
WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 SV-51y Pt. 2 – Painting
With so many subassemblies coming together, there are inevitable gaps which thankfully, were easy to tackle. The first thing to be painted is the canopy frame which was given the cockpit color of greenish blue. Then an overall base coat of black is done with Mr. Hobby Finishing Surfacer Black. Thinned with Mr Hobby Levelling …...
Completed : Bandai HGUC 1/144 RX-78GP01 Gundam Zephyranthes
Kit Info Brand: Bandai HGUC 013 Scale: 1/144 Media: Styrene Markings: Various The Subject The RX-78GP01 was a prototype general-purpose mobile suit developed under the Gundam Development Project, an initiative started by the Earth Federation after the One Year War. The RX-78GP01 was the second prototype completed under this program....
WIP : HGUC RX-78GP01 Pt. 2 – Painting & Finishing
General malaise has slowed down my builds but I’m trying to ramp it up again by finishing this one. I managed to lose the insert on the left torso so I scratchbuilt something out of plastic plate and Kotobukiya minus molds. Painting begins as usual with a base coat of black. My GP01 will have …...
WIP : Hasegawa 1/72 SV-51y Pt. 1 – Construction
My annual Macross build begins with this one, a part of a build-off with my good friend Maxwinamp from Out There. He is done with his while I’m still taking my own sweet time. Ah well. Anyway, beautiful CGI boxart as usual from Tenjin Hidetaka. A dryfit shows a surprisingly huge kit. As usual with …...